Marqo Ecommerce

Supercharge your
onsite product search with AI

AI Add-On optimizes your existing search, delivering more relevant results and growing your revenue

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Leading ecommerce brands using Marqo show ROI in less than 4 weeks

in incremental revenue due to 3.85% increase in average search revenue
improvement in add-to-cart for descriptive queries
increase in average order value

Augment site search with AI

Improve relevance

Marqo uses AI to deeply understand your customers, enhancing search relevance and user experience.

Drive user engagement

Increase add-to-carts, order sizes, and conversion rates to meet your business goals.

Personalise results

Personalize your customers’ shopping experiences at scale. Use previous purchases and other behaviour

Don't replace your site search. Optimize it.

Use Marqo Ecommerce to optimize your existing ecommerce search provider.
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State-of-the-art AI
State-of-the-art AI
Take advantage of Marqo’s expertise in AI that enables advanced query understanding and personalization. This produces better search and browse results as well as recommendations from even the broadest queries. In addition, you can effectively match product attributes with website content for fast, relevant product discovery with semantic search.
Optimized results
Leverage user interaction and ranking models to meet specific business goals. Customize recommendations leveraging page-level optimization, buy-it-again, and revenue optimization capabilities to deliver your desired outcome: engagement, revenue, or conversions. Apply business rules to fine-tune what customers see, diversify product displays, and filter by product availability, custom tags, etc.
Already have ecommerce search? No problem. Marqo easily integrates with your existing search engine as an an additional retriever. There’s no need to replace re-rankers or do a risky rip-and-replace. Marqo can slot into your existing search pipeline.
Fully managed
No need to preprocess data, train or hypertune machine learning models, load balance or manually provision your infrastructure to handle unpredictable traffic spikes. We do it all for you automatically.
Security, privacy, and compliance
Security and privacy protocols that ensure your data is isolated with strong access controls - your data is yours alone. We support compliance with SOC-2.
Work with experts to build shopping experiences with search
Work with Marqo professional services to take the experience further and improve conversions by personalizing the shopping experience. Contact Marqo to get started.

Request a demo

We’d love to speak with you. Send us your questions about Marqo and we’ll set up a time to meet with you.

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